COVID-19 vaccines ready to use? This is all you need to know

     Finally, many medical agencies around the world launched the first batch of COVID-19 vaccine. Of course that the vaccine can control the spread of virus and stop the pandemic one day. However, is the vaccine really ready and safe to use?

     During the experiment period, some of the people faced side effect such as fever, stroke, or even cause death after vaccination. Just a very short period after that, most of the countries started to apply vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine to the public. According to non-official statistic around the world, almost 40% of the public are worried about the effectiveness and side effects of this "rushing" vaccine.

"Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?"

Yes, all the medical agencies that research and develop the vaccine are professional and authorized agencies. All the vaccines from different brands and countries are safe to use and the effectiveness of vaccines were stated clearly by the agency itself.

(source: statista)

    Of course, that news about "bad side effects" about the vaccines are true. After the professional research and improvement, it is safe for more than 99% of people. Only some particular people that allergic or have a particular illness might face serious and dangerous side effects. Therefore, the ministry of health around the world came out with a list of people that not suitable to receive COVID-19 vaccine vaccination:

- people who are known allergic to any kind of vaccine before;

- people who are known faced serious and dangerous side effects to any kind of vaccine before;

- babies born under 6 months;

- people who facing acute moderately severe disease such as stroke, heart disease, organ failure, malignant tumor, myocardial infarction, diabetes, AIDS and more;

- pregnant women;

- people who are facing any kind of illness such as fever, flu, cough and more;

- people who received any kind of vaccination in the last 6 months;

- people who consulted by a doctor that not suitable to receive any kind of vaccination.

    If you are one of the group of people that stated in the list above, you are encouraged to consult professional to check that are you suitable to receive the vaccination of COVID-19 vaccines.
