Ethics in Journalism

    As a journalist that playing a very important role in journalism, neumediablogger promise to always obedient to the rules below:

- Never make things up including creating fake news or any articles for any kind of purpose. We only report the truth and facts to the public.

- Simplify not modify which when delivering message that including quotes or message from anyone or any where, we only simplify the message if needed without changing the original meaning.

- Be fair and neutral especially while reporting sensitive issues involved politics, race, culture, religion, or more issues that might bring to fight or conflict within two or more parties. The usage of language and standpoint while reporting must be neutral without "helping" or favour into either side.

- Freedom of speech in the comment section and everyone are free to become the "source collector" for us to deliver news and stories. We will never delete anyone's comment UNLESS NECESSARY.



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